Jacklyn Smith, best known as Jacky Oh, a social media personality and former cast member of the improv show Wild N’ Out, pἀssed away in Miami on May 31, 2023. An Instagram post shared on VH1’s social media platforms confirmed the 32-year-old’s deἀth. They wrote:
“We are deeply saddened by the pἀssing of Jacklyn Smith, known to the world as Jacky Oh, a talented Wild N’ Out family member whose impact will be forever treasured and missed.”
After leaving the TV show, the celebrity started selling real estate and selling her own line of lip gloss. So far, no one knows what caused her deἀth. However, a Twitter user named @TheCosmeticLane said that she had a “Mommy Makeover” and that she might have had a heart attack…
Here is the aforementioned tweet –
Reposting now that we’ve received official confirmation from someone close to the family.
As we reported earlier, MsJackyOh had gone for a Mommy Makeover with Dr Zach in Miami and it’s being speculated that she passed away from heart failure but her official cause of death… pic.twitter.com/0L8yI62aGr
— The Cosmetic Lane (@TheCosmeticLane) June 1, 2023
The post said that Dr. Zachary Okhah, also known as Dr. Zach did the plastic surgery. A number of internet users have called for an investigation against the plastic surgeon after hearing about the 32-year-old’s deἀth and reading the claims made by @TheCosmeticLane.
Twitter users were stunned and devastated as news of the influencer’s deἀth spread. They quickly researched Dr. Zach’s background and communicated their findings. Many people found bad reviews of the plastic surgeon and told others not to go to him. He was accused of trying to hide the fact that she was his patient, which they said fueled suspicions.
Others moυrned Jacky Oh’s pἀssing and opposed cosmetic surgery via Twitter –
So Dr Zach really removed all Jacky Oh content from his page??? Laaawwddd thank God she had posted it and was honest about it. But y’all please wait til after a year postpartum for cosmetic surgery.
— Fafa Michel (@IEatGriyo) June 1, 2023
Miami surgeon Dr Zach was quick to delete his post … Rip MsJackyOh pic.twitter.com/7y3JNJaU5I
— Heart of the streetz ♥️ (@HOTS_twt) June 1, 2023
I’ve read #DrZach reviews Dr. Zachary Okhah. He has six reviews. Two are positive. The others are ONE star reviews. Rest #JackyOh Look at his reviews. pic.twitter.com/lIrhIXxwS3
— Traci the Don (@tra2ce) June 1, 2023
Yes yes do your research but a lot of you are aggy as fuck about telling people not to go get surgery. If you do your research you will see Dr Zach has great reviews. Honestly you really taking a gamble when you lay on that table it’s a risk period!
— PRETTY (@porrika) June 1, 2023
The cause of Jacky Oh’s deἀth is still not known for sure. She is survived by her partner, DC Young Fly, whom she encountered on the set of Wild ‘N Out, as well as her three children, Nova, Nala, and Prince.
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