How old is Akbar Al Baker? When is Akbar Al Baker's birthday? Where is Akbar Al Baker born? Where did Akbar Al Baker grow up from? What's Akbar Al Baker's age?
Akbar Al Baker Born: 1962 (age 61years), Doha, Qatar
Does Akbar Al Baker have any children? What are the names of Akbar Al Baker's children? What are the ages of Akbar Al Baker's children?
Akbar Al Baker Children: Hussain Al Baker, Mohammed Al Baker
How about Akbar Al Baker's education?
Akbar Al Baker Education: St. Peter's School, Panchgani, Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics
How about Akbar Al Baker's nationality?
Akbar Al Baker Nationality: Qatari
How about Akbar Al Baker's founded organization?
Akbar Al Baker Founded organization: Qatar Airways
Is Akbar Al Baker Indian?
In May 2021, Al-Baker was appointed to the role of Governing Board Chairman of the Oneworld alliance. Al-Baker's mother is from India.
How to contact Akbar Al Baker?
Akbar Al Baker's headquarters phone number is +974 40226000 What is Akbar Al Baker's latest education? Akbar Al Baker's latest education in Economics and Commerce at Sydenham College of Economics & Commerce Which industry does Akbar Al Baker work in?
What type of leader is Akbar Al Baker?
Al Baker himself admits his style of leadership is Autocratic with some elements of transactional style. Decision-making control is tightly centralized .